Matthew MacWilliams

Global Public Opinion Strategist, Comms Hub

Matthew is the founding partner of MacWilliams Sanders Communications (MSC) — a strategic media firm for progressive causes, initiatives, and candidates in the United States. He has worked with organizations, environmental and conservations groups, unions, and foundations on issues as diverse as the Arctic Refuge, the Chesapeake Bay, Canadian Tar Sands, Vermont Yankee, early childhood education, climate change, racial profiling, clean water, property rights, civil rights, PCB clean-up, human rights, gun control, workers compensation reform, right to know, choice, and nuclear disarmament.

Matthew’s articles on Trumpism and authoritarianism have appeared in Politico, VOX, and the London School of Economics blog and have been cited by media around the world including The New York Times, Der Spiegel, CNN, and NPR. Campaigns & Elections Magazine dubbed him a “Media Wizard” for his media and strategic work for several winning Democratic campaigns decades ago. His children have never let him forget it. To this day, they enjoy calling him “Mr Wizard.”